Tag: religion

  • Situational Ethics: A Novel Approach

    Introduction In the quiet moments of our lives, we often find ourselves confronted with decisions that define who we are and what we stand for. These decisions, whether grand or seemingly insignificant, shape the moral fabric of our existence. But what happens when the lines between right and wrong blur, and the certainty of black-and-white…

  • The Great Commission

    Matthew Upon the mount, His voice, a tranquil force, commands, “Go forth, make disciples.”Nations await, the waters of baptism whispering their welcome.Lo, heaven’s gates swing wider with each soul, Earth’s chorus swells in joy. Mark Urgent as the wind, the word spreads, “Proclaim the news to all.”Even in shadows, His followers dance, light-footed, hearts ablaze.Creation…

  • Power of Prayer

    Matthew In whispered tones at dawn, beneath the olive trees’ embrace,A plea ascends, woven with ancient words of grace and might.In solitude, He stands, a bridge ‘twixt earth and heaven’s light. Mark Beneath the stars, fervor and faith dance in the quiet night,Voices rise in earnest plea, hearts laid bare before the sight.In desert’s hush…

  • Parables

    Matthew In fields where treasures hide, earth’s womb conceals the kingdom’s key,A merchant’s eye, discerning, spies the pearl in vast, uncharted sea.Sacrifice laid bare for truth, in heaven’s vault, the heart finds glee. Mark A lamp, not veiled, but on a stand, casts light to all within the house.The smallest seed, in darkened land, grows…

  • Healing

    Matthew In fields of Galilee, where whispers of hope begin to swell,A touch, a word, beneath the olives’ shade, promises made.Healing borne on sermons’ wings, for souls in shadows, a bright dawn. Mark Swift are the feet that tread Judea’s dust for the sick’s sake,A leper’s plea, a blind man’s dream, in faith’s embrace, restored.Urgent…

  • Promises of Holy Spirit

    Matthew Upon the mount, amidst whispers of wind, He promises the Comforter’s dawn,In parables and prayers, the Spirit’s breath to guide us on.A covenant unseen, yet felt in hearts stirred by divine yawn. Mark In haste, the story unfolds, by the river, a voice in the wilderness cries.The Spirit descends, like a dove, on Him…

  • Importance of Prayer

    Matthew In secret rooms, hearts open wide, whispers climb the midnight air.Mountains witness, alone, yet full, a communion soft and bare.Breadth of heaven inhaled in prayer, where faith and solace pair. Mark Quick feet pause, in desert’s hush, spirit calls to vast expanse.Words unspun in silent breath, seeking not but chance to dance.Prayer, the language…

  • Mission of Gentiles

    Matthew Upon the mount, words spread like seeds among the hearts of many,“Go therefore, make disciples of all nations,” echoes softly.In Matthew’s view, a mission broad, Gentiles’ hearts to win and ready. Mark Swift actions speak, through parables and miracles, Mark’s tale unfolds.To Gentiles too, the message clear, “Repent, believe,” the story told.A path for…

  • The Mission

    Matthew In Galilee’s embrace, a voice calls, soft yet compelling as dawn’s light,“Follow me,” He beckons, to fishers of sea, now fishers of souls bright.Mountains echo His words, a kingdom of heaven, open to all in sight. Mark Urgency in His steps, through Judea’s sands, a message spreads like fire,Healing, teaching, a servant to many,…

  • Miracles

    Matthew Upon the mount, He speaks, a multitude in rapt attention lies.“Blessed are the meek,” He says, as the sun dips below the skies.In miracles and parables, a kingdom’s keys to wise. Mark A storm rages fierce, His disciples tremble, fear within their eyes.“Peace, be still,” He commands, and nature bows to His demise.Through acts…

  • Importance of Faith

    Matthew In fields, under stars, faith was born—a whisper amongst olive groves.Waves rose, yet He stilled the sea; in miracles, we found belief.Mountains of doubt moved by mustard seeds of trust, Matthew’s testament. Mark A lion’s roar in the wilderness, Mark heralds the way of faith.Baptized in Jordan’s embrace, the Spirit descends, affirming belief.In parables…

  • Cost of Discipleship

    Matthew In fields where faith’s seeds deeply sown, cost tallies not in silver’s gleam.Through Matthew’s eyes, a path is shown, where sacrifice births highest dream.To follow, leave behind earth’s claim; His yoke is light, for love, not fame. Mark Swift currents pull, the Markan tale, where urgency in whispers calls.Discipleship, a rugged trail, where every…

  • The Divine Decalogue: A Journey through the Ten Commandments

    Stone-carved wisdom’s guide,Ten commands to hearts inscribed,Divine truths abide. In the annals of human history, there exists a timeless code, etched in stone by the finger of the Almighty, a set of laws and principles that have shaped the moral compass of humanity for millennia. These are the Ten Commandments, a revelation to mankind that…

  • Peter

    Matthew In Galilee’s embrace, Peter first heard the call, nets left behind.Storm-tossed faith, water walked; in confessions, the Rock was defined.At cock’s crow, tears fell like rain—denial’s bitter chain unbind. Mark In hurried steps, Peter followed, from miracles to dread night.Witness to transfiguration, yet failing at Gethsemane’s sight.In shadows, he stumbled, thrice denying before morning’s…

  • His Words

    In lands where olive trees and azure skies unite,A voice arose, as day succumbs to night,With words as seeds, in hearts they find their berth,To sprout wisdom’s bloom upon the earth. He walked the paths where fishermen cast nets,Spoke of kingdoms, debts, and divine bequests.His gaze, a beacon in the tempest’s roar,Guided lost souls to…

  • The Third Secret of Fatima

    The Third Secret of Fatima is one of the most enigmatic and controversial aspects of the apparitions of the Virgin Mary in Fatima, Portugal, in 1917. The secrets, given to three young shepherd children—Lúcia Santos and her cousins, Jacinta and Francisco Marto—over a series of six apparitions, have fascinated and puzzled believers, skeptics, and scholars…

  • Easter

    I In dawn’s soft glow, I search,Eggs hidden under spring’s arch.Joy blooms, as new beginnings perch,A silent promise in the march. You You dance among the blooms,Laughter echoing in the rooms.Easter’s grace, in your eyes, consumes,In your hands, life resumes. He He finds solace in the sunrise,Easter’s warmth in his wise eyes.Pastel promises under the…

  • Dawn of Hope: A Witness’s Testament

    At dawn’s first light, before the sun pierced the veil of night, I came, heart laden with grief, to where my Lord lay in silent might. Stone rolled away, an empty tomb whispered of unfathomed flight. In the hues of early morning, as the first light crept over the horizon, casting long shadows and an…

  • Dawn of Redemption: Through Peter’s Eyes

    As the first light of dawn pierced the horizon, I, Peter, found myself wrestling with a turmoil that seemed to darken the very essence of my being. The air was cool and crisp, carrying the scent of earth freshly dampened by the night’s dew, a sharp contrast to the suffocating weight of guilt that clung…

  • Easter

    Matthew Beneath the olive trees, a prayer whispered in the cool night’s embrace.Silver for betrayal, thorns crown the King, a sacrifice foretold.Morning breaks, stone rolled away, death defeated, hope reborn in grace. Mark A hurried rush, the world spins, urgency in each step taken.Cross upon His back, Golgotha’s hill, darkness veils the sun.Tomb now empty,…

  • The Parallel Gospels

    In a land where the olive trees whisper ancient tales,Under skies where the sun and the moon hold court,There walked four, each a vessel of divine word,Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, through time’s veils.They spoke of a carpenter, of Nazareth born,Whose hands, though wrought in wood, would save the scorned. “And she shall bring forth…

  • The Artifact

    Chapter 1: The Cipher Unearthed The ancient city of Acre whispered secrets, its stone walls and winding streets a testament to centuries of history. In a dimly lit office nestled within these ancient defenses, Alex Rami sifted through the remnants of his late mentor’s life. The room, cluttered with papers and artifacts, carried the musty…

  • Veronica

    In Jerusalem’s heart, beneath a sky so gray,I walked the crowded streets upon that fateful day.The air was thick with sorrow, the earth beneath did moan,As He, the Man of Sorrows, bore the cross alone. His face was marred with suffering, His eyes with kindness shone,Through streets of scorn and spittle, He stumbled on the…

  • Stigmata

    Stigmata are one of the most intriguing and, for many, deeply spiritual phenomena within Christian mysticism. These wounds, which replicate the crucifixion wounds of Jesus Christ, have been reported by numerous individuals throughout history. The phenomenon of stigmata involves receiving marks on the body that correspond to the wounds Christ is said to have sustained…

  • Through My Eyes: The Final Hours

    As dawn broke over Jerusalem, a sense of urgency and distress gripped my heart. The air was thick with anticipation, a prelude to the unfolding tragedy of my Lord, Jesus. I remember the colors of that morning vividly—the sky painted in hues of orange and red, foretelling the blood that would be spilled. I recall…

  • Whispers of Golgotha

    At dawn, whispers of redemption stir beneath a crimson sky, Through tears and prayers, we tread, bearing witness to the final cry. In love’s embrace, a promise blooms, in the shadow of the cross, we sigh. As the first light of dawn crept over the horizon, painting the sky in hues of gold and crimson,…

  • The Role of Women

    Matthew In fields and homes, their presence a gentle, unnoticed strength,Women, woven through parables, miracles, a quiet breadth of faith.By oil, coin, and faith, they lead; in Matthew’s view, they silently preach. Mark Swift as whispers on the wind, their stories spread, brief yet profound.At the fringes, yet pivotal, women in Mark’s eyes: witnesses, bound.In…

  • The Lost Scrolls of Moses

    Chapter One: The Discovery in the Sinai The sun blazed mercilessly over the Sinai desert, casting long shadows from the dunes and bathing the world in a golden hue. Amun, a young soldier in the service of Pharaoh Ramses II, rode his chariot through the vast, empty expanse, a cloud of dust trailing behind him.…

  • It’s Not All About Me

    Our Father, who art n heaven,Hallowed be Thy name.Thy kngdom come,Thy wll be done,On earth as t s n heaven.Gve us ths day our da ly bread,And forgve us our trespasses,As we forgve those who trespass aganst us.And lead us not nto temptaton,But delver us from evl.For Thne s the kngdom,The power, and the glory,Forever…

  • Covenant of Love

    Matthew In Galilean hills, beneath the ancient olive’s embrace, He spoke:“Love your neighbor, as yourself,” His voice soft as the yoke.Law and prophets hang on this, in every heart it woke. Mark By the Sea of Galilee, with fishermen and bread,“Love your neighbor,” was His charge, by example led.In actions small, the greatest love, like…

  • The Untold Story of Eve

    In Eden’s embrace, where dawn’s light kissed verdant leaves, we stood as one, Curiosity’s seed sprouted beneath the tree of knowledge, untamed and bright. Forbidden fruit tasted, shadows cast long; our journey from paradise begun. Chapter One: The Dawning Shadows In the twilight of my existence, where time blurs into eternity, I find myself amidst…

  • Paradox of the Messiah

    Matthew In whispers of dawn, a King in humble cloth is born, not in palaces but amidst sheep and scorn.Power veiled in meekness, He calls the weary, the burdened to adorn.A paradox of sovereignty, in service and sacrifice, His crown of thorns. Mark Rushing waters, a voice in the wilderness, prepares His way, stark.A Messiah…

  • The Gospel According to Mark

    In the still of dawn, a voice calls across the ages, echoing truth.Bread broken, wine shared, in humble acts, the divine intimately known.He walks among us still, in whispered acts of love, the Gospel lives. Introduction In the desolation of the wilderness, the resonant cry of a lone voice permeated my daily existence, molding the…

  • Synoptic Gospels According to Jesus

    Introduction I begin my story in three different lights, through the eyes of Matthew, Mark, and Luke, my devoted followers. Each, in their own way, recounts the journey of my time on Earth—the silent whispers of my birth under a starlit Bethlehem sky, the footsteps of my ministry along Galilean roads, the somber shadow of…

  • Money

    Matthew In Galilee’s midst, coins whisper tales of kingdoms, both of earth and heaven.“Render unto Caesar,” He taught, amidst plots of silver’s betrayal.Yet in His gaze, treasures unseen, where rust and moth dare not ravage. Mark By the Jordan’s rush, a camel struggles through a needle’s eye.Riches clasp hearts in chains, while a teacher sighs…

  • The Misadventures of Adam in Eden’s Folly

    In Eden’s embrace, where whispers entwine with divine decree, Adam and Eve, in innocence, danced, blind to the serpent’s plea. A bite, a fall, a world unveiled, paradise lost to curiosity. Chapter One: The Groundwork of Deception Well, let me tell ya how it all started, down in a place that was a bit like…

  • The Nephilim

    The Nephilim, an enigmatic group of beings, have long captivated the human imagination with their mysterious presence in ancient texts and legends. In this comprehensive article, we embark on a journey to unravel the multifaceted history, significance, and intriguing narratives surrounding the Nephilim. Our exploration will delve into their appearance in Exodus 23, their association…

  • Revelation: The Divine Journey

    “In my final moments, as I stood on the precipice of destiny, I felt a profound sense of purpose and a weighty responsibility that transcended human comprehension. It was a time when my teachings had ignited a movement, and my actions had stirred both admiration and consternation among the masses. Little did they know the…